
  • The name of this organization shall be St. Helens Association of Parents and Educators (S.H.A.P.E.) (hereinafter referred to as “the Organization, also as McBride P.T.O.)

  • The purpose of the Organization shall be for charitable purposes, more specifically to promote cooperation between parents, teachers and the community for the welfare and education of children in McBride Elementary school in St. Helens School District #502.

    1. No part of the net earnings of the Organization shall be used to the benefit of, be distributed to its members, officers, or other private persons, except that the Organization shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and make payments and distributions for purposes set forth in this article.

    2. No substantial part of the activities of the Organization shall be the carrying on of propaganda or otherwise attempting to influence legislation.

    3. The Organization shall not participate in any political campaign for public office.

    4. The Organization shall be prohibited from conducting activities not permitted.

      1. by a corporation exempt from federal income tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or

      2. by a corporation under Section 170(c)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code, or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code.

    5. The Organization shall cooperate with the school to support the improvement of education in ways that will not interfere with administration of the school and shall not seek to control their policies.

  • General Membership is open to any parent, custodial guardian, and faculty or staff member of a kindergarten through fifth grade student.

    1. The officers of the Organization shall consist of:

      1. President

      2. Vice-President

      3. Financial Officer

      4. Secretary

      5. Junior PTO Coordinator(s)

      6. Community Service Coordinator

      7. Teacher representative/staff (non-elected position)

    2. No officer may hold more than one office with the exception of the Financial Officer who may hold either Treasurer and Vice President position until the end of the term, and Secretary who may hold Financial Officer and Secretary, should that position become vacant. This is an exception voted on in the August 2024 General Meeting due to Vice President being a St Helens School District Employee

    3. Officers shall be elected during the May General Board meeting each year for the following school year.

    4. Elections shall be held by silent vote.

    5. The newly elected officers shall assume their duties June 15th for the next school year and shall serve for a term of one year or until the election of their successors, but shall still allow the previous office to complete the end of school year and those duties involved until July 1st.

    6. A person shall not be eligible to serve more than two consecutive terms in the same office unless (1) there are no other candidates, or (2) they are nominated and elected by majority vote.

    7. Nominations for all SHAPE positions are due at the April General Membership meeting. Voting shall take place in the month of May among the General Membership.

    8. The consent of each nominee shall be secured before his/her name is presented.

    9. Each of the Organization’s members is entitled to one vote.

    10. Majority elects.

    11. The outgoing SHAPE officers and the newly elected officers shall have a combined meeting in June to provide an orderly transfer of responsibility.

    12. State of Emergency added October 2020 – in the event of acts of God/emergency including but not limited to; natural disasters, pandemic, state of emergency declared by local or state governing bodies, any currently voted in board members that are interested in maintaining their position may do so without recourse until voting/nominations may take place in accordance with Bylaw protocol.

  • A person elected by a majority vote during a regular general meeting shall fill a vacancy occurring in an elected office for the remaining term. If the office of President becomes vacant, a Treasurer or other Executive Board Member (See Article 8) shall assume the duty of President until an election has been completed. A Notice of Election will be sent to the General Membership 30 days prior to the next regularly scheduled meeting at which the election would be held to allow for receipt of nominations

    1. Any elected officer may be removed from office at any time in accordance with the Oregon Non-Profit Corporations Act as amended from time to time. Said officer may be removed with or without cause, for acts including but not limited to, failing to perform duties, criminal conduct, acts of moral corruption, etc.

    2. The Executive Board shall govern over removal of an officer. A majority of votes of the Executive Board is required for removal from office as per quorum definitions in the Standing Rules.

    3. If an Executive board member misses three or more consecutive meetings, at any following meeting the Executive board may choose to vote to remove them from their position, but still allow them to remain on the General board. The office will then be available for voting (see Article 6.)

  • Duties of the President

    1. Determine the Agenda for all meetings in cooperation with the Secretary.

    2. Preside at all meetings, always maintaining a fair and impartial position and encouraging members to participate.

    3. Conduct all meetings according to Robert’s Rules of Order.

    4. Delegate to the Vice Presidents certain administrative duties as are deemed appropriate.

    5. Coordinate the work of the officers and committees of the Organization.

    6. Act as the official spokesperson for the Organization.

    7. Ensure that the Bylaws and Standing Rules of the Organization are always observed.

    8. Work with the Secretary to maintain updated records including pins, passwords (bank, email, amazon, school district, and any other accounts made in the name of SHAPE (McBride PTO)) used to facilitate correspondence, advertising, finances etc. This list is not complete but a generalized idea. This information should be actively shared with appropriate current board members and saved and passed down from one board to the next.

    9. Deliver to the successor in office, all records in his/her possession by June 30th.

    10. Submit a written report detailing responsibility and recommendations to the future board by June 30th.

    Duties of the Vice President

    1. Aid the president.

    2. Act as liaison between the Executive Board and the parents of their representative school.

    3. Act as liaison between the Executive Board and the administrative staff of their representative school.

    4. Ensure that the decisions made by the Executive Board and/or the General Membership are followed at their representative school.

    5. Deliver to the successor in office, all records in his/her possession by June 30th.

    6. Submit a written report detailing responsibility and recommendations to the future board by June 30th.

    Duties of the Community Service Coordinator

    1. Work with the school/district to find needs/service opportunities.

    2. Plan at least one service event/drive per season (fall coat drive, winter food boxes, spring shoe drive, etc.) These are all just examples of events/drives and should be based on current needs of McBride and its Families.

    3. Maintain accurate records as to the status of all SHAPE accounts and be a signer on those accounts.

    4. Maintain Community Service Database with contacts, needs, and events, including the formation of the budget each year.

    5. Coordinate all donations per any posted requests and distribute as such.

    6. Deliver to the successor in office, all records in his/her possession by June 30th.

    Duties of the Secretary

    1. Prepare the Agenda for the General Membership meetings in cooperation with the President. Agenda should be prepared in accordance with the Procedures Manual.

    2. Prepare any materials needed for distribution or reference at General Membership meetings.

    3. Record the minutes at Executive Board and General Membership meetings.

    4. Present minutes for approval at General Membership meetings.

    5. Make available copies of General Membership meeting minutes, Bylaws, and Standing Rules.

    6. Maintain the files of communications, papers, and documents belonging to the Organization.

    7. Prepare any correspondence and publicity for the Organization as needed, including meeting announcements and periodic newsletter.

    8. In the absence of the President and Vice Presidents, the Secretary shall exercise the duties of the President.

    9. Work with the President to maintain updated records including pins, passwords (bank, email, amazon, school district, and any other accounts made in the name of SHAPE (McBride PTO)) used to facilitate correspondence, advertising, finances etc. This is not a complete list but a generalized idea. This information should be actively shared with appropriate current board members and saved and passed down from one board to the next.

    10. Deliver to the successor in office, all records in his/her possession by June 30th.

    11. In the absence of the President and Vice Presidents, the Secretary shall exercise the duties of the President.

    12. Submit a written report detailing responsibility and recommendations to the future board by June 30th.

    13. Perform the duties of the Treasurer in the event of that officer’s absence or inability to serve

    Duties of the Treasurer

    1. Ensure that the legal and financial requirements of the Internal Revenue Service and state of Oregon are met.

    2. Collect, deposit and disburse funds of the Organization as directed by the Board, and be a signer on accounts with president.

    3. Maintain complete and accurate records of account receipts and expenditures.

    4. Make financial information available to the Executive Board and General Membership and present a financial report at each meeting of the Executive Board and General Membership.

    5. Submit all financial records to an independent auditor each year and present the results of that audit to the General Membership at the September Annual Meeting.

    6. Submit a written report detailing responsibility and recommendations to the future board by June 30th.

    7. Assist in creation of the budget and help develop fundraising goals and plans.

    Duties of the Junior PTO Coordinator

    1. Send out applications for upcoming eligible Junior PTO members in June and August for the upcoming school year (4th and 5th graders).

    2. Review and select candidates for the upcoming year, decisions should be made by Oct. 1st.

    3. Hold elections for Jr. Executive board (5th Grade only) by Oct. 31st.

    4. Jr. Executive board include President, Vice President, Secretary, and Community Service Coordinator

    5. When the school year begins, plan and schedule meetings for both Jr. Executive board and Jr. General board meetings once a month.

    6. Work in collaboration with students on ways to support causes both locally and from afar.

    7. Collaborate directly with McBride PTO.

    8. Submit Junior PTO plans to Executive Board at board meetings, and to general board at public meetings.

    9. Help manage and maintain Jr. PTO budget set for that year, any event/activity over $200 must also be voted and approved by PTO General Member Board.

    10. Deliver to successor in office, all records in his/her possession by June 30th.

    Duties of the Teacher Representatives

    1. The Teacher Representatives shall act as liaison between McBride and the PTO.

    2. All Teacher/staff representatives will have access to communication platform i.e. through the McBride Teacher email provided for the account.

    3. There shall be at least one teacher/staff representative at all General board meetings and are also welcome to attend Executive Board meetings as needed.

    Duties of Chairing Committees

    Any eligible voting members or executive board members can chair any event or program planned for the McBride Student Body or Staff. The responsibilities of said chair are;

    1. Communicate with the Treasurer the budget limits.

    2. Understand how reimbursements are facilitated (reimbursement forms) or how items needed can be purchased by the President or Treasurer. Issuing pre-advancements of funds is not allowed.

    3. Items purchased that exceed the total budget over $200 (with approval from Executive Board) will not be reimbursed, without bringing a motion to a General meeting,

    4. Determine, plan and outline expense expectation. Once completed the outline needs to have board approval. Recommendations on best practice spending should be considered to save costs.

    5. Discuss date options and have a facility request submitted for building use.

    6. Volunteer needs and expectations should be submitted to the President or Secretary for posting in Parent Square.

  • Composition

    The Executive Board shall consist of the elected officers of the Organization, an appointed teacher representative and school administrator (or their representative) from McBride Elementary. The school administrators shall hold non-voting memberships.


    The Executive Board shall be subject to the orders of the Organization and none of its acts shall conflict with action taken by the Organization.


    1. To transact necessary business in the intervals between General Membership meetings.

    2. To create and approve the plans of the Organization’s Committees.

    3. To prepare an annual budget for General Membership approval.

    4. To approve routine bills within the limits of the budget.

    5. To approve unbudgeted expenditures up to a maximum of $200.00. Expenditures over $200.00 must be put to a vote of the General Membership.

    6. To oversee fundraising activities of the school year.

    7. To remove officers pursuant to Article 7.

    Executive Board Meetings

    The Executive Board shall meet monthly prior to the General Board meeting, starting no later than August for the upcoming school year. Additional special meetings may be called by the President or by a majority of the members of the board as needed.

  • Special committees shall be created by the Organization as deemed necessary to promote the objectives and interest of the Organization. Since a special committee is created for a specific purpose, it automatically ceases to exist when its work is done and a final report has been made to the organization.

    1. General Board meetings of the Organization shall be held the 3rd Thursday monthly during the school year virtually by google meets and announced at least two weeks prior to the meeting.

    2. An annual meeting will be held in August of each year for the purposes of adopting a budget, review of audit report and any other business deemed appropriate by the Executive Board for the upcoming School Year.

    3. Meetings shall be governed by this Organization’s Standing Rules.

  • The fiscal year of this organization shall be July 1st to June 30th.

  • The Organization shall keep correct and complete records of accounts and shall also keep minutes of the proceedings of its meetings and committee activities. All books and records of the Organization may be reviewed any time by any member, his or her agent or attorney, for any purpose at any reasonable time.

  • Procedure

    1. Notice of intent to disband shall be given to all members, in writing, at least 30 days prior to the General Membership meeting.

    2. The Organization, by majority vote in a General Membership meeting, shall authorize the disbanding and the necessary steps to be taken.

    3. A quorum for the purpose of dissolution shall be at least half of the Executive Board members and at least that many regular members.

    4. A two-thirds (2/3) vote of those in attendance is required for passage.

    5. Once dissolution has been passed, an appointed Executive Board member shall contact the District Office for procedures to follow to finalize the dissolution.


    Upon dissolution of the Organization, after paying or adequately providing for the debt obligations of the Organization, the remaining assets of the Organization shall be distributed to the St. Helens School District #502.


    At the time of dissolution, all documentation from all Organization activities, all files and other documentation in the possession of all SHAPE and Executive Board Members shall be collected by the Secretary and prepared for storage.

    1. Any member of the Organization may submit in writing amendments to these Bylaws, including the rationale, to the Executive Board.

    2. Bylaws may be adopted, amended or repealed after presentation to the General Membership.

    3. Voting on a Bylaw amendment may occur at the current meeting of which it was presented to the membership for consideration.

    4. If any part of these Bylaws is found to be illegal, it will not invalidate the entire Bylaws

  • There shall be Standing Rules adopted by the Organization for guidance in matters not covered in these Bylaws. The Standing Rules shall be consistent with these Bylaws and shall be reviewed annually by the Executive Board. Proposed amendments or additions shall be presented to the General Membership for adoption.

  • Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern meetings when they are not in conflict with the Organization’s Bylaws.

  • Revision Schedule:

    1. Unknown – prior to Sept. 2007

    2. January 2009

    3. October 2012

    4. November 2018

    5. October 2020

    6. August 2023

    7. September 2024 (Current)

    Download a PDF version of these Bylaws.